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  • About KIC
  • Ethical Management
  • Reporting Center

About KIC

Founded in 2005 to increase national wealth and contribute to the growth of Korea’s finance industry

Reporting Center

  • Ethics Hotline

    Ethics Hotline

    KIC has set up an ethics hotline for the public to report any inappropriate or unethical behavior involving KIC employees. Submitted reports are routed to the Audit Unit, which will provide a timely response. When submitting a report, the reporter should clearly state the name(s) of the KIC employee(s).

    Inappropriate or unethical behavior includes the acceptance of money, a gift or entertainment from duty-related persons. Please refer to KIC’s Code of Conduct.

    KIC expects reports to be made through the KIC Ethics Hotline in good faith and to be legitimate concerns. All reports will be given careful attention, and KIC will not disclose the identity of the reporter without his/her consent.


    Korea Investment Corporation, 17-19F State Tower Namsan, 100 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 04631, Korea
    T. +82-2-2179-1278   F. +82-2-2179-1111

  • Anti-Bribery

    Reporting Violations of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act

    The Korean government has passed a new law called the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act. This Act prohibits improper solicitations of public officials as well as the receipt of financial or other advantages by these officials. The goal is not only transparent, ethical operations, but also to ensure public confidence in the country’s public institutions.
    KIC employees must abide by the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act. Violators will be subject to criminal punishment.

    Anyone who wants to report a violation of the Act can submit a report by emailing one of the contacts below. Please provide your personal information, information about the alleged violator and details and evidence of the alleged violation.

    Reports will be routed to the Ethics & Compliance Group. Your personal information and report details will be kept confidential. The Ethics & Compliance Group will provide you with a timely response regarding the outcome of your report.

    Violations of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act include:

    • Improper solicitations
    • The receipt of financial or other advantages (including outside activity compensation that exceeds the limit)


    • Jihwan Chung : T. +82-2-2179-1053 / E.
    • Yungha Kim : T. +82-2-2179-1043 / E.


    Korea Investment Corporation, 18F State Tower Namsan, 100 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 06431, Korea